Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christmas decor

Time to deck the halls! I can't believe that it's Christmas time already! I am so excited because my entire family agreed to do a name draw for gifts. Finally, a virtually materialistic free Christmas!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


My oldest son came down with H1N1 on November 7th and just finished his antibiotics for pneumonia! Wow, how having him home for two weeks straight (on the sofa) has me appreciating it when he is well.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

yoga for real people website

Check out my yoga website.

Picture project

I am so far behind with the scrapbook projects that I planned, shopped for and have ready to complete. I just can't seem to get into it. I came across a ton of old sports pictures of the kids, you know the team and individual 5x7. I got a nice photo album from my sister as she was about to pitch it (pre-move purging). She used it for wedding shows to illustrate a bound book sample. I removed the old pictures and put all of the kids pictures in it. Voila! Recycled and reused.. check! So I've done my environmentally friendly and house purging friendly task for the day.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Reality of grocery shopping

I had to go to Kroger today to get some stuff as I have been on the sofa for two days with a headache and nausea. Maybe it was too much testosterone floating around the football banquet on Friday night. Or maybe it was the food? Anyhow I went about my drone like march through the aisles when I was pierced by a shrill scream from across the store. I was a little pissed because My right ear has been hurting and this little darling was making my inner ear bleed.

It happened again and again. Over and over, I actually started to look for the culprit. I did not catch up with him until I went to the cough syrup aisle adjacent to the cash registers. I heard the scream and saw a group of shoppers look on in horror as the child in the "car" buggy was in line repeatedly wailing out the highest pitched noise that I have ever been cursed with hearing. The mother of the child just stood there. She did nothing. I got so frazzled that I got the wrong cough syrup for Alex and forgot my tea! AHHH I really needed tea! So fascinating ha?

I hope the mother of the siren has a better day as well!

Needing a reality check!

Suburban life in the Midwest. How unglamorous! Until shows like Desperate Housewives, very little attention has been paid to the plight of "stay at home moms." I hope to shed some realistic light on how life is and isn't.


About Me

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Licensed Professional counselor,Yoga Teacher 200RYT, Certified Group Fitness Instructor, Captian of the Food Police, Fully self-actualized human being.